Monday, June 29, 2009

The college I'm planning to attend

High school is a hard time full of problems where you have to make many choices. One of these problems I am facing is selecting a college I want to attend. As of right now I'm planning on attending UNO. I have always wanted to attend UNO since I was a freshman in high school and because my big sister attended UNO. I saw the success my sister had at that college and I too want to have that same success. Now in my junior year of high school I began to think about if UNO was really the right school for me. This all changed when I entered the summer scholars program and actually go to experience UNO class. Taking this class sealed the deal with me, I now knew that i really wanted to attend UNO.

Another reason that i wish to attend is because i want to become an engineer. UNO has a great an engineering program available. It has its own building dedicated just to different kinds of engineer. When i see that the school has its own building just for that field I see myself learning many things. Last fall i even got to be in a program for engineer, it was even held in The Durham school building. This is important to me because I take my career very important myself. I plan on majoring in construction engineering.

So in conclusion I have made my final decision on which college to attend, for the most part. There still is a quite amount of time left before I enter college but now I have at least an idea about what I'm going to do. It is the point in my life now where my choices will effect my future for years to come. I believe that i have made the right choice by picking UNO; now all that is left is to be admitted and graduate.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Residence life with summer scholars

I only have one word to describe living at Scott Hall, awesome. It is the first time that i live at away from home and my family. I must say that it is a very new experience for me, and with it came a varies amount of new responsibilities. To beign with i find myself having to pick up after myself because my mom is not here to do it for me. Belive it or not i now respect and admire my mom even more. When i first moved in I was egar to meet my roomates Pal and Josh.

"Yum whats that smell?" that is the first thing i said when I entered the cafateria. I remember as if it were yesturday; the first day i ate a hamburger with some french fries and of course coke. Lets not forget the desesrt, i had a chocolate cake. The best part was everything was free, the best price there is! The mojo hunt was our first activity, and to me it was pretty interesting. I got to learn where everything on campus is at and along the way we where taking pictures. My favorite picture hands down, literaly, was the one we took at the math building. Yeah so we took the picture while i was doing a hands stance, oh yeah.

While the ice cream social was going on we played texas hold em. The best part was that i won, on an all in bet. I also liked the ice-cream it was sweet and full of suger my favorite. Speaking about suger on movie night I ate so much suger I couldnt fall asleep. In all i enjoyed my weeks stay at scott hall. I think it will imprinted in my memory in way or another.

Keven out, Peace

Friday, June 12, 2009

The First Week

The first week of college was a whole new experiance. I noticed a big differance bettween high school and college. For example when switching from class to class you dont pass through hall ways but instead go from building to building. Speaking about traveling from class to class, the time bettween class periods is longer than in high school. Longer passing periods to me makes going to school funner because it is not as constricted like in high school.

Study group is the tightest period ever. If you ever have questions on homework or need help with a chapter you can recive help in your study group. I aslo get to practice my speechs in my study group to better prepare myself for the real thing. I have also meet new people and learned that south high's mascot is a cow not a bull. Meeting new people has made my enrollment in summer scholars alot more interesting.

What can i say about Dr. Robbinson More... Well she is the first teacher that i have ever had that has a Dr. in their title. She is a real nice person who is down to earth. I enjoy going to class every day just go see her.